A set of exercises for weight loss. How to exercise properly and combine different workouts

Anyone who sets out to lose weight starts looking for a magical set of weight loss exercises: how to burn more, exercise less, and not give up the usual sweets and fast food.

It is important to understand that playing sports for weight loss is a competent combination of physical activity and proper nutrition. As some coaches say, all training starts in the kitchen.

Today we are going to understand the ins and outs of competent training, exercises and execution techniques, building a typical training week and adjusting the diet.

Doing exercises for weight loss in the gym

How to do exercises to lose weight

There is no universal set of exercises that fits all and guarantees weight loss in the shortest possible time. However, you can create your own plan structure, based on several key principles, and already choose the exercises that are most suitable, based on technical, physical and temporal capabilities.

What is recommended to pay attention to if the goal of training is to lose weight:

  1. Combine strength and cardio exercises. You're not tasked with becoming a bodybuilder or a marathon runner, so you shouldn't go to extremes. Find a happy compromise by evenly distributing the load throughout the week.
  2. Alternate training sessions from different directions. That way, you'll have enough time to recover the muscles involved - you'll be able to train more often and longer. For example, if your plan is to run on Monday, do your arm strength on Tuesday and spin the bike on Wednesday.
  3. Don't exercise when you're tired. If you've had a rough day at work, haven't had enough sleep, or have had a long flight on a business trip, you don't have to go to an evening workout at any cost. Despite the supercompensation effect promoted by motivational videos (increasing the initial level of bodily capabilities after intense training), it will only work in the context of normal recovery, including nutrition and sleep.
  4. Adjust your diet to your workouts. You shouldn't train on an empty stomach, especially if you don't have relevant experience, but you shouldn't train immediately after breakfast. The ideal time for classes is two to three hours after eating.
  5. The most effective for burning fat are considered to be interval training, in which periods of intense load alternate with short periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. An option for interval training might be circuit training at the gym, in which intense strength exercises alternate with short aerobic exercises - jogging or brisk walking.
  6. Don't expect immediate results. There's no need to weigh yourself every day and watch for deviations in grams, evaluating progress. Untrained people typically take six to eight weeks to adapt to exercise, after which the fitness level allows for the addition of high-intensity workouts and longer workouts that burn more calories and fat.
  7. For a beginner, 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week will suffice. These include: brisk walking, running, cycling, swimming, strength and circuit training at the gym, jumping rope, outdoor fitness equipment, hill and trail walking. Distribute the load evenly over the days. It could be five one-hour workouts a week, or three one-hour sessions during the week and a long two-hour bike ride on the weekend.
Jogging is a cardio workout for weight loss

A set of weight loss exercises

Let's take the average person working a standard 5/2 schedule and having the opportunity to train only after work during the week as well as weekends.

Because athletic performance plays a secondary role in weight loss, you shouldn't train on both weekends. Allow yourself a day for complete rest. Firstly, it is necessary to physically recover after a week of work, and secondly, it will allow you to take a mental break from the training process, which will now permeate the weekly schedule in pursuit of weight loss.

Examples of a training week:

Day of the week Option 1 option 2 Option 3
Monday Strength training at the gym Strength training at the gym Light cardio workout
Tuesday Light cardio workout outdoor training Strength training at the gym
Wednesday Relaxation Relaxation circuit training
Thursday Strength training at the gym Light cardio workout Relaxation
Friday circuit training Strength training at the gym Strength training at the gym
Saturday prolonged cardio Relaxation prolonged cardio
Sunday Relaxation prolonged cardio Relaxation

Strength training at the gym

Strength training, including resistance training, helps to increase muscle tone, increase strength and build muscle mass over time. Weights include dumbbells, dumbbells, weights, expanders, and various simulators.

Strength training is important because it allows you to maintain muscle mass and strength while shedding excess fat. They have also been shown to increase bone density, which in turn reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis as you age.

Examples of effective fat burning exercises in the gym:

  1. Kettlebell Mahi

    Kettlebell Mahi for Effective Fat Burning

    Kettlebell swings are quite easy to learn and one of the most effective exercises for burning fat because it simultaneously engages your glutes, hips, abs, back, arms, and shoulders.


    Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and slightly bent at the knees. Hold the weight with both hands between your legs. Lean back a little, stretch your legs at the same time and bring the kettlebell forward with straight arms. Your own weight will do the opposite. Your task is to bend your knees slightly and release it like a pendulum backwards. Each swinging movement is given from the legs to the arms.

    Typical errors:

    • Do not round your back, it should be straight.
    • Do not try to pull the kettlebell up. All swings are made by inertia due to the movements given by the legs.
    • Do not carry the kettlebell too far forward. This will put more stress on your shoulder joints and can lead to injury.
    • Do not take too heavy a weight. The meaning of the exercise is to include a large number of muscles and technically correct execution, and not to lift significant weight.
  2. Squats with dumbbells

    Squats with dumbbells will help you lose weight and train your leg muscles

    The squat is a basic exercise for leg development. If bodyweight squats are easy for you, but you're afraid to switch to barbell training, start with an easy option - dumbbell squats. This exercise, in addition to the legs, involves the back, abdomen and arms.


    Stand up. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. Grab a dumbbell with both hands at one end and lift it up to chest level. Start squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Slowly get up to the starting position. The feet must be immobile.

    Typical errors:

    • Ground jumps. If you start jumping up and down to get to the starting position, you've picked up a very heavy dumbbell.
    • Don't round your back. Stand straight at the top and bottom.
  3. Dumbbell or kettlebell bench press

    Dynamic suspended kettlebell presses engage every large muscle

    This exercise can be performed both statically and dynamically, combining bench press with squat, which will allow you to burn even more calories and fat. In the dynamic version, almost all major muscle groups are included - buttocks, hips, back, abs, arms, shoulders.


    Stand tall, feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Grab a dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand. Bend your elbows, the shells should be over your shoulders. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you rise to the starting position at the top point, squeeze the dumbbells/kettlebells over your head. Return your hands to the original position.

    Typical errors:

    • Do not pick up very heavy shells. It's easy to get injured in dynamics, so in the getting used to and mastering technique it's best to work with the lightest dumbbells/kettlebells.
    • Do not lift your heels off the floor as this will compromise stability - you may lose your balance due to the extra weight in your hands.
    • Do not squeeze dumbbells/weights after getting up. Use the momentum you set with your feet from the bottom point. All movements are performed dynamically, as in a kettlebell swing exercise.
  4. farmer's walk

    Farmer's Walk exercise with kettlebells for a slim figure

    The Farmer's Walk is a thoughtful walk. This exercise, due to the added weight, increases the load on the legs and also includes shoulders, arms, back and abdomen.

    First, grab a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells with a total weight of 25-30% of your body weight and take 20-40 steps. If it's easy, you can add weights or make the exercise more difficult and move on.

  5. Bench press with dumbbells

    Dumbbell bench press to work the upper body

    The bench press actively engages the upper body - the pectoral muscles, shoulders, arms.


    Grab a dumbbell in each hand and lie down on a bench. Spread your legs a little wider than your shoulders and press your heels firmly into the floor. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles. Push the dumbbells up over your chest until your arms are straight. Slowly return them to their original position.

    Typical errors:

    • Do not relax your hands as you descend. This can lead to shoulder injuries.
    • Do not use weights that are too heavy, as this also increases the rate of injury. You should feel comfortable doing 8-12 reps per set.

circuit training

The good thing about circuit training is that you can include almost any exercise you can do at a moderate or fast pace.

Key points to consider when planning circuit training:

  1. Alternate exercises for different muscle groups to rest your arms, legs, back and abdomen.
  2. The duration of the intensive interval should not exceed one minute, otherwise the exercise will turn into resistance work. It is important that you do this interval at a fast or moderate pace (in the case of weight training).
  3. The duration of the low-intensity interval (walking, running) or rest should not exceed 30 seconds.
  4. The total duration of the workout should be 15 to 20 minutes.

Examples of exercises:

  • push ups;
  • lift the bent legs hanging from the horizontal bar;
  • squats;
  • dynamic core exercises - mountain climber, bike;
  • stretching - jumps with a change of legs;
  • incline dumbbell row;
  • balance weights;
  • bench press with dumbbells over the head;
  • squat;
  • push-ups on uneven bars;
  • jumping in the box;
  • jump rope;
  • alternate leg raises on the plank.

Collect a block of four to eight exercises in a circle. Each exercise is performed for 30-60 seconds with a 30-second rest. Rest between circles - one to two minutes or a light jog if you're exercising outdoors or the gym permits. Complete three to five circuits until your total workout time is close to 15 to 20 minutes.

Light cardio workout

Light cardio is a low to medium intensity workout that lasts no more than an hour. For beginners, it's best not to do more than 30 minutes until you feel your cardiovascular system has adapted enough that you can train without holding your breath.

One of the markers of cardiovascular readiness is the speech test. If you can carry on a conversation while doing cardio, the intensity of the load will allow you to train long enough.

Light cardiovascular exercises include:

  • Cooper;
  • pedaling on an exercise bike or bicycle;
  • classes on the stepper;
  • jump rope;
  • swimming;
  • skiing.

prolonged cardio

Long workouts differ from easy workouts only in the time spent. Strive to maintain the same intensity that allows you to complete the speech test.

To combine business with pleasure, join a running club for weekend runs, ride a bike with friends in the countryside, or take long walks over hills and rough terrain.

Typical errors:

  1. Don't start too fast. You don't have to go all out right away. Instead, start your run with a brisk walk and slowly transition into a jog. When cycling, do not immediately go up the mountain, but ride for 10-20 minutes on a smooth road at a slow pace.
  2. Don't train strictly on schedule. Focus on your own feelings. There's no need to strain if you're tired.
  3. Remember to drink water or sports drinks, especially in summer. During prolonged exercise, the body loses fluid through sweat, so these losses must be replaced.

exercise tips

  1. Any workout starts with a warm-up and ends with a cool-down. A warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles and reduce trauma, a hitch - to gently cool down and reduce blood circulation in the body.
  2. Don't train the same way two days in a row. Let your muscles rest.
  3. If you can't do a certain exercise, replace it with a similar one. Instead of running, you can walk on a stepper instead of a dumbbell, do push-ups from the floor instead of pull-ups, do pull-ups on a block simulator. The same muscle group can be loaded with many different exercises.
  4. Start with small weights and gradually increase the load. Linear progress is only at first, then it will be more difficult to add weights as it will take longer for the ligaments, tendons and muscles to adapt. Excessive zeal and the desire to shake the bar more can lead to serious injuries and forced stoppages in training.
  5. If you feel that you are very tired, take a break for two to three days to allow your body to recover. Periodically arrange a week of unloading, for example once a month, when the load is 50-75% of normal. In the deload week, you can remove one or two workouts or simply reduce the time of each session by 15-30 minutes.
Cooking healthy food for workout productivity

Diet tips to lose weight

  1. Breakfast should be healthy and rich in slow carbohydrates: cereals, whole grains, bananas. Carbohydrates are not only fuel for muscle work (carbohydrates from food are stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen), but also a source of glucose for normal brain function.
  2. Don't look for a quick fix on fad low-carb and keto diets. Stick to your doctor's recommended balance of protein (10-30%), fats (25-35%) and carbohydrates (45-65%) and adjust your diet according to how you feel.
  3. To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. This means that you should spend a little more than you consume. Consumption includes the body's average needs for normal functioning as well as calories expended in training. Consumption should be uniformly reduced in all components (protein, fat and carbohydrates), and not to the detriment of just one, as is usual, for example, in a low carbohydrate diet.
  4. If you want to calculate everything accurately, install an app on your phone in which you will enter all the food consumed during the day. Special applications have their own database, where certain calories and BJU balance are recorded for each product. Over time, you will understand where you can cut extra calories without harming your body.
  5. Pre-workout nutrition should be sporty - focus on foods that provide enough energy for exercise. Avoid "empty" calories from fast food and sugary drinks.
  6. Post-workout meals should include foods rich in protein and slow carbohydrates to ensure muscle recovery and energy stores. For these purposes, suitable: cottage cheese and fruit, salad with chicken or cheese, sandwich with turkey and fresh vegetables, chicken breast with rice.
  7. Drink a lot of water. Losing weight from dehydration is not the best idea, especially when you are sweating profusely during your workout. At the same time, forcibly pouring two or three liters of water on yourself is also not worth it. The body itself will tell you when you need to replenish lost fluid.